Please send your application letter (if desired).

The application letter should contain information such as the requested product, reference to the standard of product specifications, and introduction of the contact person along with email and contact number, national ID, and economic code of the company. After receiving the application letter, necessary arrangements will be made with the contact person to start the certification process.

Required documents after application acceptance are as below:

  1. Constitution;
  2. Founded ad – Official Gazette;
  3. Announcement of Changes;
  4. The latest changes of the board of directors and shareholders;
  5. Organizational Chart;
  6. Civil and professional liability insurance.

Required documents along with “Product Certification Questionnaire Form” as below:

  1. Layout;
  2. OPC;
  3. Final Book;
  4. Copy of ISO 9001 certification (if any) (applicable for scheme type 5);
  5. procedures of  quality management system (applicable for scheme type 5);
  6. Test report of the requested products;
  7. Sales history of products (if any);

“IPICB keeps confidential all information obtained by the client or other sources. It also informs the client in advance regarding the information intends to make available to the public.”