Suspension of Certification
The certificate may be suspended for a period of time for the following reasons:
- A major non-conformity is observed through surveillance, the nature of which does not require immediate certificate withdrawal;
- In case of improper use of the IPICB’s certificate or mark (such as false advertising);
- In case of violation of the certification scheme or procedures of IPICB; and
- Lack of certified organization cooperation to carry out the surveillance activities.
- The certification may be suspended for a period of time by virtue of mutual agreement between the certified organization and IPICB (for example, failure to produce the product or …).
Since the certified organization products are not considered as the certified products at the time of certificate suspension, the organization is not allowed to use the mark and certification for their products during this period of time.
Withdrawal of Certification
If any of the following conditions occurs, IPICB will withdraw the certification.
- A critical non-conformity is observed through surveillance assessment;
- The client does not fulfill its financial commitments;
- The client violates the agreement concurrences; and
- The certified organization does not take the appropriate corrective actions during the period of certificate suspending.
IPICB could also withdraw the certification in the following conditions:
- If the certified organization is not willing to maintain the certification;
- If the standards or rules change and the organization does not want or is unable to meet the new requirements; and
- If the client’s activity and production is stopped.
Reduction of the scope
The reduction of the scopes is decided based on the following:
- The certified organization may like to reduce their scope of certificate of their own accord.
- The certified organization has been placed under partial suspension on account of inadequate resources for part of the scopes and subsequently agrees to the reduction of scope.
- The decision for extension and reduction of scope is taken by the decision-making committee.
Extension of the scope
If the request to extend the scope for other types or models of products have the same characteristics requirements as the certified products, parts of the production process or management system may not be assessed in proportion to the requested extension of scope. If it is verified, the scope of certificate will be extended and a new certificate will be issued.